Investment Without Restraints

The Nexus Solutions Portfolio is a diversified and liquid portfolio of large cap global equities combined with a significant holding in sovereign and investment grade bonds. 

The equity portion of the portfolio follows the same investment process as the Nexus Dynamic Portfolio. It is not constrained by one particular investment style such as growth or value, nor is it constrained by a benchmark. 

Strong Valuation Disciplines

The portfolio manager’s approach to investment combines strong valuation disciplines within a long-term strategic framework, together with a willingness to adjust asset 

allocation and stock selection in response to short-term market opportunities. 

The portfolio is not constrained by one particular investment style, such as growth or value, but instead the manager believes that the best returns are achieved by correctly positioning the portfolio to benefit at all stages of each economic cycle. 

A Range of Opportunities

The manager has the mandate to search out value in all asset classes and so is well placed to judge the relative merits of a wide range of investment opportunities. 

In addition to an understanding of economic conditions, close attention is paid to individual companies. High conviction ideas are supported by a combination of quantitative analysis, in-house research and company visits. 

Fixed Interest

Our investment services are driven by the needs of our clients.

Multi-Asset Approach

Nothing hidden when it comes to process, performance or fee’s.


A business built on efficiency, flexibility, and proactiveness.

Dynamic Asset Allocation

Digital, in-person, and print reporting suited to client preferences.

Diverse Portfolio

Continual evaluation against agreed objectives.